Secretarial Enterprises is experienced in expert transcription of business, market research, government, technical and legal documents, and offers our customers professional, high-quality services. We will gladly tailor to fit your needs and your budget. By utilizing experienced transcriptionists, we are confident Secretarial Enterprises will provide you with superior quality transcripts.
We provide transcription services for audio standard cassette tapes, CD-ROM, digital audios. In particular, we specialize in transcribing the following:
- Business Meetings and Corporate
- Hand written text
- Audio digital dictation
- Market Research
- Interviews
- Thesis
- Seminars
- Quarterly Earnings Calls
- Conferences, Business, Government
- Focus Groups
- Phone and Web Interviews
- Newspaper articles
- Authors handwritten or recorded dictation for books
- Mock Trials
- Chapter 13 Trustee Transcripts
Please see our What You Need to Know page for more information on how we handle transcripts.
To Contact Us:
Phone: Vicki Bennett 940-735-1110
Email: Vicki@secretarialenterprises.com or secretarialenter@aol.com